Vision and Burden from the Visioneer:

The burden for the Complete Gospel Crusades was uniquely impressed upon my heart after a major encounter with the Lord in 1988 at Okigwe in Imo state of Nigeria. As years passed and the Lord began engaging me in Ministry service in various capacities and platforms, I started experiencing spiritually so many infallible proofs of God’s plan for my life as regards the harvest of souls to the kingdom. I could not resist the burden of connecting with some prominent servants of God to share my significant encounters with, especially my “OKIGWE 1988 encounter. Eventually, on the 16th of June 1997, i was able to meet with Bishop Francis Wale Oke. After narrating my encounter and other experiences, he had a keen interest in me and the assignment of God for my life. On Sunday, December 3rd, the year 2000, God used Bishop Francis Wale Oke to commission me to mark the take-off of our Ministry assignment. Speaking prophetically from Mark chapter 4 verse 30 to 32. He emphasized strongly that though the beginning of the Ministry will be rough and tough, in years to come, this particular commission will be a refuge to many. Having concentrated on the Church assignment for many years owing to insensitivity and some mistakes, as I was coming out of my house on the morning of June 12th 2018, I heard clearly when the Lord told me “I have sent you forth to preach the Complete Gospel”. The Lord had initially urged me in October 2017 that the Crusade work that will create a platform for the preaching of the whole word for the whole world should commence.

Partner with us to rescue souls from hell.

Mission Statement:

Complete Gospel Crusades mandate is the whole word for the whole world. With the alarming and heart-rending record of over one hundred and fifty three thousand (153,000) deaths recorded globally every day, the project of soul winning has therefore become an emergency call. Around 95% of the people dying are hurled into hell. “If this field grows bad, will you be able to account for it, I laboured so hard! I laboured so hard!! were the words of the Lord to the visioner in 1988. With the glaring realities that rapture will soon take place, we are therefore at the INJURY TIME in end time harvest. As the Lord leads, we earnestly seek collaboration and support to make this mandate a reality.